You’ve likely heard it countless times.

You just need to believe in yourself.

I remember not liking that very much. Even made fun of it.

But I’m a little older & wiser now. I’m pretty sure that actually believing that you can do something is a critical first step.

Here’s the truth: You benefit greatly from confronting your limiting beliefs. Your limiting beliefs are not like DNA. You can change the way you think.

How much of life is lived in your head?

All of it.

So instead of listening to the negative thoughts in your head, why not talk instead? Do the talking. Not the listening. Limiting beliefs love to dominate the conversation. Shut ’em down.      

The sick thing about limiting beliefs — and I speak as one who has had a fair share — is that they not only keep you from your goals; they keep you from even trying. And if you do dare try, they will pounce hard and get you to give up early.

Getting started in digital freelancing isn’t always an Instagram walk on the beach. There can be discouragements. But like hundreds of thousands of others, you can break through the early struggles and go on to find great success in digital freelancing.

I did. Certainly you can too. Takes work!

I sincerely hope this encourages you, no matter where you are in the journey.

Happy Digital Freelancing!
