Digital freelancers are an enviable bunch. We make our own hours. Work from wherever. And whenever.

Our income ceiling is limited only by our beliefs. 

And yet, when we work at it, successes beget successes.

Not only that, but digital freelancers get to be their own bosses. But being your own boss is tricky. You could be too soft on yourself. Like that time in elementary school when I ate all the candy bars I was supposed to sell for a fundraiser. I had one job.

Turns out I can’t afford to be soft on myself. Can you?

See, when you’re your own boss, you realize what’s on the line. It’s all on you. That one in the mirror.

And the only way to fail is to decide to quit.

You have the chops. And the ones you don’t have yet, you’ll manage to find and master. Google them. Because if you want it done right (or even done at all) you’ll need to do it yourself.

But you don’t need to be laying a trip on yourself.  This is just a gentle reminder that your success is directly proportional to your stubborn, unrelenting refusal to quit. 

Never give up. You chose this, you got this.

Once you go full-blown digital freelancer you can’t really ever go back to settling for a job. You with a boss is like Kim Kardashian with Tyrion Lannister. It’s not your fit. It’s not your style. It’s not you.

Hang tough and be bossy. And never forget how enviable being a digital freelancer is.